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RE: Impressions of Spring: deep thoughts, life, flowers, birds...Humbling lessons from Nature

in GEMSlast year (edited)

All of it. All pictures are mine and from my phone. Even the one (of myself) is on my phone tripod. Unless specified, all photos, videos and music on my feed are mine and if you are familiar or you browse back through my content you should know where I also take photos with a proper camera along with my partner, not even the case, as stated, these are impressions of MY Spring time and in this case right from my phone


I meant the land you live on. I saw you had your name watermarked into most of the photos.

Oh I see, misunderstanding as you mentioned I forgot photographer and it's me. The fields are close by I just reach them by walking. The orchard and coop is not owned by me but relatives, but I am there often as I take care of the hens, especially during winter and Spring. I wish I had such of my own. I do not own a place of my own (yet) but grateful I get to enjoy this one and tend to some rural chores. One day. One can dream. I'd adopt all these feather babies when they don't lay. For me they are pets now.

I envy people who can do this but like you said, one day it will be reality. 😁