Safe Tennis at home... Charity tennis session #10

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)

The country is under lock-down for now almost 2 months. The president recently announced a 14 days lock-down extension. This is a very long duration where people are stuck home with no work they are doing. People can keep fit while at home through engaging themselves in some simple safe sports activities as they look forward to the normalization of everything.

I chose to take a step forward in the midst of the ongoing situation by starting up some free home tennis training sessions aimed at engagement of my neighbor’s kids in the tennis sport. This will surely benefit them as it will keep their level of fitness up and also boost their immunity.

Check out the video:

What I basically did with the kids today is that I introduced them to the forehand tennis technique where they had to keep motioning the technique step by step while mentioning what they were doing. In the video you will hear them saying ready position, 1,2,3 and 4. These are simple steps that are often used in the teaching of the forehand technique to the beginners.

This simple tennis activity shows that you and your children can as well try out playing the tennis sport from home as you keep taking care of your life away from the danger of contracting the dangerous Corona Virus that is easily transmittable in large gatherings of people.

Stay home.. Stay safe!