Campaign Day# 1 : Hive & 3Speak Vs Today's beautiful moment with friends

in GEMS4 years ago

Today was a day for my friends. Today some of my friends came to my house to visit me. And we all ate together and discussed a lot of topics. The focus of our discussion was the epidemic of Corona's disease. Which has enveloped the whole world today.
At the moment, all the countries of the world are presenting the scene of prison. And the economy is on the brink of collapse.
Everywhere people are dying from this insidious disease.

Purposes of this invitation

We all made a program that we would definitely get together once a week. And we will eat together.
But I gave this invitation to my friends to come to my house.
One of the purposes of this invitation was to meet friends and the other important purpose was to tell my friends what I am doing at home today.
I told my friends today about Hive & 3Speak how I am writing postings and articles on Hive & 3Speak.
All these friends of mine use Facebook a lot.
So I chose these friends for this party.
Because I wanted to tell these friends about Hive & 3Speak and I want all these friends of mine to create their account on Hive & 3Speak.

I told my friends how Hive and 3Speak are different from Facebook and how they can increase their monthly income through it.
Some friends questioned that nowadays people are cheating in the name of earning money on the internet.
I told them that those who ask you for investment would cheat.
And in Hive and 3Speak you are awarded for quality of work.
All the friends were amazed.
I told friends you waste time and internet on Facebook. While in Hive and 3Speak you get rewarded for your work.

Some of my friends asked me how much I was earning at the moment. And how much can they earn each month if they start working? I made it clear that there was no guarantee of how much you could earn each month. It all depends on one's ability.
And I told them how much money you were making when you were wasting your time and money on Facebook.
I told them that if you write the best article on Hive and 3Speak, you get an award for quality work. Which you can receive later in the week.
I gave a brief introduction of Hive and 3Speak to my friends today and also showed the earnings on my post so today was a very beautiful day.
Inshallah, in the next session there will be further discussion with friends on this subject which will be on Wednesday
Friends, remember one thing. Always tell your friends the good things you are doing. And guide them to what is best for them.
And I think I should tell my friends about the Hive and Three Speaks because I have the opportunity to learn a lot from them.
And I want my friends to benefit from Hive and ThreeSpeak as well.
I hope you like my post today.






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How are you dear friend @yousafharoonkhan
Judging by the pictures, this was a beautiful meeting.
Congratulations on the work of publicizing our platform. Successes
I wish you an excellent day