drizzling lightly and my thought of walking || I was lost in the beautiful scenery of nature

in GEMS4 months ago



This morning it was drizzling lightly and I thought of walking in this drizzle but the weather was cold and I was afraid that my clothes would get wet in the light drizzle but after a while the rain stopped and I walked in the open fields and fields.

Went out for a walk. As I was lost in the beautiful scenery of nature on the roadside, the beautiful songs of the birds were creating the morning melody in my ears and the green fields and rain-washed trees seemed like a bride.

In the sky, there was an eye-squinting between light black clouds and the sun. I saw many beautiful birds on the road side looking for grains and food and some birds were busy with each other as if they had been waiting for this morning for years.

I was enjoying my walk through the unpaved roads and some school children were going to school on their sahilas and some farmers were spreading manure in their fields and some were busy harvesting crops and grass.

I saw the camels passing through the unpaved roads and I felt like I was traveling back in time when camels were considered the best ride and I remembered my childhood days when we used to ride camels.

Today, with the same thoughts and ideas, I completed my morning walk, but the morning scene was very charming and beautiful and every soul and soul seemed to be happy.

These beautiful sights of nature are giving us dawat love and dawat servar and I have always seen a charm hidden in sunrise and sunset.

I made some pictures in the meantime, hope you like them.














The beautiful sights of nature attract us all the time, but today's man is very fast ignoring these beautiful sights and moving forward.

The sunrise in the morning gives us new hope and promise of the day, but we sleep late at night and wake up late in the morning due to which we miss the rays of the new dawn.

One has to understand the sunset and make the beautiful colors of nature a part of one's life and I seek your permission with this message. All these pictures were taken on Saturday 3rd January 2024.


Aoa Sir,
You captured beautiful sceneries, I agree with you about everything you said but more with the thing that we miss beautiful sunrise scene just because we wake up late at morning.
It's a serious issue that is not casting good affect on human both by emotionally and physically. We get vitamin D when we take sun bath early in morning we are losing this chance by waking up late at morning.

Wao sir what a scenery.
Nice views of nature.
The fields are looking awesome.
And you wrote a marvellous post about nature.
Being a lover of nature I appreciate your thoughts.
Keep up the good work sir.
Have a nice day.

We had a heavy rain. Looks like its all over around here.

Nice views of nature.........