El pájaro fantasma (Urutaú) The ghost bird (Urutaú)

in GEMS3 years ago


Saludos a esta prestigiosa comunidad.

Para quien no lo conozca, este es el pájaro urutaú, se le conoce como el pájaro fantasma por su parecido a un tronco seco y su color es similar y se camuflajea de cabeza erguida.

Su canto es espeluznante, en forma de un alarido o melancolía desgarrador como una alma en pena.

Greetings to this prestigious community.

For those who do not know, this is the urutaú bird, it is known as the ghost bird because of its resemblance to a dry trunk and its color is similar and it camouflages itself with its head upright.

Their song is lurid, in the form of a harrowing scream or melancholy like a soul in pain.


El pájaro Urutaú caza de noche su alimento a base de insectos y el día lo pasa inmóvil en un tronco seco, el cual pasa por desapercibido.

El pájaro fantasma está distribuído por Centroamérica y sudamérica en bosques abiertos. Esta clase de ave sólo ponen un huevo de color blanco lilaceo.

Espero les guste el contenido de este melancólico pájaro Urutaú.

The Urutaú bird hunts its food based on insects at night and spends the day motionless on a dry trunk, which goes unnoticed.

The ghost bird is distributed throughout Central and South America in open forests. This kind of bird only lays a lilac-white egg.

I hope you like the content of this melancholic Urutaú bird


Hey, if these aren't your images it is preferred to source from where you got them from as a form of giving the original photographer credit.

Greetings from Venezuela, I am not an expert in English translation, that is why my failures to transcribe. Grateful for your wake-up call to improve my content.

hye horrible bird

It is a bad looking bird and the song it emits is heartbreaking, which is why it is called a ghost bird.