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RE: [ESP-ENG] Energy Refill Contest - Round 11 / Mi participación

in GEMS3 years ago

Some many people get carried away by the things others do. And just like you have said, most time this happen ad a result of not wanting rejection.
Such people who fall a victim is because they wanted a particular group of friends to accept them that they even had to go to the extend of faking their lives and who the truly are just so they can receive acceptance.
This shouldn't be, we should always be who we are and not try to compromise for anybody or to be accepted by anyone.


You are very right in everything you have said, sometimes we do not want to be rejected and that leads us to do endless things just to be accepted without realizing who we must please is ourselves and not others, After all, it is about our lives and we must live them as we want.

Yes. That's the only push that makes us do things we may not have wanted to do.
Happy Sunday dear!

Certainly, Happy day friend!