Democratic leadership as a management tool.

in GEMS2 years ago
Democracy and participation has taken the helm in recent times either within a company or a country, because as man has evolved technologically, he has also transformed his thinking and his way of leading, avoiding bureaucracy and autocracy of their organizations because better results are observed when the worker is taken as the fundamental basis for the success of any company. In this regard, Robbins and De Cenzo (2009) state that democratic leadership normally involves employees in decision making, delegates authority, prioritizes participation to decide goals and work methods and takes advantage of feedback as a possibility to direct employees.


From the above described, it can be deduced that democratic leadership is that which involves all the staff employed for the achievement of goals, allowing the improvement of organizational behavior, i.e. the behavior of the employee within the company, since it is not the same when it is considered just one more of the bunch than when it is considered a fundamental and essential part for the achievement of goals and objectives. For these reasons, today we are in search and implementation of tools and strategies to improve and ensure the proper functioning of the organization and change the thinking, emotions and behaviors of the employee, since the success or failure of the company depends on it.

It should be noted that this good performance begins mainly internally through the individual and collective behavior of its employees, since this is the way in which they demonstrate the degree of satisfaction in which they find themselves. In this same sense, Venezuela has lived for some in recent times in a democracy and active participation of citizens politically speaking, however this term at the organizational and business level has been forgotten since there are many public or private companies that avoid this type of leadership because they consider it disadvantageous in certain terms and only focus on producing forgetting their main resource.


For this reason, it is essential to think about democratic leadership, since it is a tool that has a positive effect on workers because they need the guarantee of job satisfaction, because every worker yearns for decent jobs, with good conditions, pleasant spaces, creating interpersonal relationships and permissions for active participation among others, although these are aspects that motivate the worker, companies do little about this, completely forgetting that democracy, employee participation and the environment where this is developed influences in two ways: negative if it is developed in unpleasant environments and positive if it is offered an optimal work and organizational climate capable of ensuring and maintaining in balance a successful behavioral climate.

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