Gaslighting- Luz de Gas / A 3-part story/ Un cuento en 3 partes - Eng/Span

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

Violence against by Alexas_Fotos in Pixabay


"I know how protective you are where my sister's is concerned," Max said. But in his voice was a display of pent-up feelings, of false detachment. Something inside him didn't believe either his brother-in-law's apparent shock or that gesture of rubbing Maggie's head and shoulder, who was struggling to appear even-tempered and smiling.

The matter was not easy for Max. His intervention had to appear conciliatory. It was necessary to calm David's nerves and make him believe that he had no knowledge of the whole ordeal Maggie was going through. David's personality disorder had reached a point where he didn't know reality from fantasy and was pretending that Maggie was living on his terms of abuse.

"Let's go to the Pub around the corner, I want to share with you the project that brought me back here today, I'm interested in your opinion," Max said to his brother-in-law.

David looked at him with curious cat eyes, as if wanting to untie the veil of intentions he was hiding from his face, but the bait moving on Max's hook was very appealing and he gave in without much thought.

"I'll text you when I leave." Max told his sister, with a look inscrutable to David, but open to Maggie... It was time to run away from her hell.

David slung his jacket over his shoulder as he gave his wife a kiss on the cheek. Looking at them, anyone could think they had a good marriage because they look Maggie gave him was not that of a traumatized victim, but of a victim addicted to David's "gaslighting", pure brain chemistry: oxytocin overflowing.

Max, reached over to his sister to say goodbye, dripping with tenderness from that kiss that settled on her head. She sat up from the bed, wanting to hug him, disguising the pain she felt throughout her body from the "fall" she had on the stairs, not from the shove David had given her, in an apparently drunken state, the night before.

A full moon gave light to the last moment of domestic violence Maggie would endure and untied the blindfold that kept her blind. Through the glass of the window, the moon broke through so that she could see clearly and she could see the reality as it was, looking at herself on the floor, after the fall, dazed and still not quite understanding what had happened to her. But the moon did know and showed her her attacker with the spotlights of its silver rays.

As best she could, Maggie hid from her husband's sight. Her instinct for self-preservation told her it was time to call for help and so she did. She called her brother and told him everything she had been suffering for some time now after her psychopath advanced from the triangulation phase to the discard. The crow that stole his shine was preparing to take a flight to another sky, but not before making sure that his prey was waiting for him.

This is how manipulators, narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths are; they do not let go of their victims completely, because they need the fuel they provide, they bend them and keep them in reserve.

Violence by Akiragiulia in Pixabay

Luz de Gas

"Sé lo protector que eres en lo que respecta a mi hermana", dijo Max. Pero, en su voz se sentía un despliegue de sentimientos contenidos, de falsa displicencia. Algo dentro de él no creía ni en la aparente conmoción de su cuñado ni en en ese gesto de sobar la cabeza y el hombro de Maggie, quien luchaba por mostrarse ecuánime y sonriente.

El asunto no era fácil para Max. Su intervención debía parecer conciliatoria. Era necesario calmar los ánimos de David y hacerle creer que él no tenía conocimiento de todo el calvario que estaba padeciendo Maggie. El trastorno de personalidad que padecía David llegó a un punto en que no distinguía realidad de fantasía y pretendía que Maggie viviera bajo sus términos de abuso.

"Vamos al Pub de la esquina, quiero compartir contigo el proyecto que me trajo hoy de vuelta aquí, me interesa tu opinión", dijo Max a su cuñado.

David lo miró con ojos de gato curioso, como queriendo desatar de su rostro el velo de intenciones que ocultaba, pero la carnada que se movía en el anzuelo de Max fue muy atractiva y cedió sin meditarlo mucho.

"Te enviaré un mensaje cuando me vaya", dijo Max a su hermana, con una mirada inescrutable para David, pero abierta para Maggie... Era el momento para huir de su infierno.

David colocó su chaqueta en el hombro al momento de darle un beso en la mejilla a su esposa. Al verlos, cualquiera podía pensar que tenían un buen matrimonio porque la mirada que le dispensó Maggie no era de víctima traumatizada, sino de víctima adicta al "gaslighting" de David, pura química cerebral: oxitocina desbordada.

Max, se acercó a su hermana para despedirse, chorreando ternura por ese beso que le asentó en la cabeza. Ella se incorporó de la cama, queriendo abrazarlo, disimulando el dolor que sentía en todo el cuerpo debido a la "caída" que tuvo en las escaleras, no al empujón que le propinó David, en aparente estado de ebriedad, la noche antes.

La luna llena dio luz al último instante de violencia doméstica que Maggie soportaría y desató la venda que la mantenía ciega. A través del cristal del ventanal, la luna se coló para que viera claro y ella pudo ver la realidad tal cual era, mirándose a sí misma en el suelo, después de la aparatosa caída, aturdida y, aún sin comprender muy bien qué le había sucedido. Pero la luna sí sabía y le mostró a su atacante con los focos de sus rayos de plata.

Como pudo, Maggie se ocultó de la vista de su marido. Su instinto de preservación le indicó que era hora de pedir ayuda y eso hizo. Llamó a su hermano y le contó todo lo que venía padeciendo de un tiempo a esta parte, después que su psicópata avanzó de la fase de triangulación, al descarte. El cuervo que robaba su brillo estaba preparándose para emprender el vuelo a otro cielo, no sin antes asegurarse de que su presa lo esperara.

Así son los manipuladores, narcisistas, psicópatas y sociópatas; no sueltan a sus víctimas del todo, porque necesitan del combustible que les aportan, las doblegan y guardan a la reserva.



In response to @mariannewest[In response to @mariannewest[
3-Part Weekend Freewrite-12/11/2021]

En respuesta a @mariannewest[In response to @mariannewest[
3-Part Weekend Freewrite-12/11/2021]

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All images in this publication are attributed to their owners. DeepL translator and Grammarly were used for the English version.

Las indicaciones están resaltadas en negritas.
Todas las imágenes de esta publicación están atribuidas a sus propietarios. Para la versión en inglés se utilizó el traductor DeepL y Grammarly.


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