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RE: [ESP/ENG]- Iniciativa- Mis 3 Colores Favoritos / My 3 Favorite Colors

in GEMS3 years ago

I was reading keenly to see if you would mention my favorite color and yes you did.
Red remains my best color ever.
It feels as if I was attached to red since birth.
There was a time my wardrobe was filled with red color dresses.
It was too much and getting out of hands that I had to reduce the way I purchased red color dresses😂😂 it was that serious.
And even right from nursery school to my secondary, I was always given the RED HOUSE doing our school intercourse sports.
I love red. I was born red😂

Your three favorite colors are cool as well.
I love to combine my red with white cause the two go well and they match very well.
Sorry to ask, are you the initiator? I mean since you asked us to make a post about our three favorite colors. Is it like a contest or challenge?


Hello, thank you for commenting on my publication, I agree with you .. red is the best color and expresses passion everywhere. I really like that you like that color. And yes, it is an initiative that I just created, I invite you to participate so that you can show us all your 3 favorite colors. It would be a pleasure to read you.

Sure I will. I have mentioned my two best. Just to make a post about it and then add the last one.