Digital painting... #148-2

in GEMS2 years ago

Digital paintings... (3D art #148-2)

Hello everybody,

Hope you are doing well :)
Today, while preparing this post, I am watching another documentary, a documentary about the mountains of my country, beautiful mountains with high peaks, sometimes full of flowers and plants and green and sometimes full of snow and white, mountains Which are beautiful in any season of the year ...
In today's painting, I have used four colors, white, black, orange, and red ... Recently, just three colors (black, white, and red) are the ones that color my paintings...
the colors that color the shape, sphere, and background of my painting ...
Here is my painting:


Here is my painting:

Screenshot (4524).png

Screenshot (4523).png

Screenshot (4522).png

Screenshot (4521).png

Screenshot (4520).png

Screenshot (4519).png

Screenshot (4518).png

Screenshot (4517).png

Screenshot (4516).png

Screenshot (4512).png

Screenshot (4513).png

Screenshot (4515).png

Thank you for your attention...🙏✨

Stay Safe..🌈


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