Digital painting... #174-2

in GEMS2 years ago

Digital paintings... (3D art #174-2)

Hello friends,

I hope you are doing well :)
This is my art for tonight, new digital art, I did it last night and going to share now, I made changes to one of my previous paintings, it can be said that I played by the light and reflections, and made a new one by new reflections of the shape and sphere on the background...
The result of today's painting:


and some photos of the steps of my painting:

Screenshot (4917).png

Screenshot (4916).png

Screenshot (4915).png

Screenshot (4914).png

Screenshot (4913).png

Screenshot (4912).png

Screenshot (4911).png

Screenshot (4910).png

Screenshot (4903).png

Screenshot (4904).png

Screenshot (4905).png

Screenshot (4907).png

Screenshot (4909).png

Thank you for your attention...🙏✨

Stay Safe..🌈