Digital painting... #54-2

in GEMS3 years ago

Digital paintings... (3D art #54-2)

Hello friends,

Hope you are doing well and safe,
Summer is coming to an end and the weather is very mild, the breeze is blowing and the newly yellowed leaves are falling from the trees...
and my painting number 54, Shapes in the shape of circles, spheres, and shadows, all reflected in the background, they seem to be dancing... this is my new digital painting,
I will show you the photos of the steps...
Here is my painting:


and some steps of it to show you the process:

Screenshot (3100).png

Screenshot (3099).png

Screenshot (3098).png

Screenshot (3097).png

Screenshot (3096).png

Screenshot (3095).png

Screenshot (3094).png

Screenshot (3091).png

Screenshot (3092).png

Screenshot (3093).png

Thank you for your attention...🙏✨

Stay Safe..🌈