Digital painting... #66-2

in GEMS3 years ago

Digital paintings... (3D art #66-2)

Hello friends,

Hope you are doing well and safe,
Today I worked on one of my previous paintings and made changes to it, It get completely a new painting, I have made some changes to the background, colors, the number of spheres used in the painting, and the materials I used in it...
the lights and reflections created on it can easily be seen, and I like it because of the amazing reflections...
Here is my painting:


and some steps of it to show you the process:

Screenshot (3265).png

Screenshot (3264).png

Screenshot (3263).png

Screenshot (3262).png

Screenshot (3261).png

Screenshot (3260).png

Screenshot (3259).png

Screenshot (3258).png

Screenshot (3256).png

Screenshot (3257).png

Thank you for your attention...🙏✨

Stay Safe..🌈