Digital painting... #93-2

in GEMS3 years ago

Digital paintings... (3D art #93-2)

Hello friends,

Hope you are doing well and safe,
This is my painting number 93, I just finished it, I like to count my paintings :))) because I learn a new thing about digital painting in every single of them...
in this one, I paint some spheres around the shape in red and glassy color and a bright background, without any reflection on it...
Here is my painting:


and some steps of it to show you the process:

Screenshot (3647).png

Screenshot (3646).png

Screenshot (3645).png

Screenshot (3644).png

Screenshot (3643).png

Screenshot (3642).png

Screenshot (3641).png

Screenshot (3637).png

Screenshot (3639).png

Screenshot (3640).png

Screenshot (3648).png

Thank you for your attention...🙏✨

Stay Safe..🌈