Digital paintings... (3D art #650)

in GEMS2 years ago

Digital paintings... (3D art #650)

Hello friends,

In this painting, I used two small spheres. I didn't choose a name for this painting and I like it anonymously...
I have used yellow color for this work...
I'm going to share the result and the work steps with you...

The result of today's painting:


and some photos of the process of my painting:

Screenshot (8193).png

Screenshot (8192).png

Screenshot (8191).png

Screenshot (8190).png

Screenshot (8189).png

Screenshot (8188).png

Screenshot (8187).png

Screenshot (8186).png

Screenshot (8183).png

Screenshot (8184).png

Screenshot (8185).png

Thank you for your attention...

Stay Safe..


wow) nice digital art))

Thank you my friend @yakubenko :)