Digital paintings... (3D art #758)

in GEMS10 months ago

Digital paintings... (3D art #758)

Hello friends,

The sky inside you, I just finished the last painting and I'm going to share its process with you in this post... I used the blue sky in this work...
I hope you like it...

The result of today's painting:


and some photos of the process of my painting:

Screenshot (9649).png

Screenshot (9648).png

Screenshot (9647).png

Screenshot (9646).png

Screenshot (9645).png

Screenshot (9644).png

Screenshot (9643).png

Screenshot (9642).png

Screenshot (9639).png

Screenshot (9640).png

Screenshot (9641).png

Stay Safe..



Posted using Hive Images

What is the truck drivers favorite part of the movies?
The trailers

Credit: reddit
@zpzn, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @hivephoto



Excellent creation the design