My 3D artworks... #167

in GEMS3 years ago

Digital Paintings...

My painting #167,

Hello friends,

Painting No. 167 is ready to be shared ... Like every night, I will share the result and its steps with you ...
In tonight's painting, I used a material that has created a red color in the background and the reflection of the shape is in the red background ...
I like playing with colors, I tried several colors to choose the background color, Sometimes we have to try many things to achieve what we like, The colors I chose did not give me the desired result. So I decided to try other material colors, And after testing a few colors, I finally got the desired result ...

and here is my artwork (Created by Cinema 4D):


and here you can see the process of this painting:

Screenshot (1222).png

Screenshot (1221).png

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Screenshot (1213).png

THANK YOU for your attention...

Stay Safe..