Charity On Hive News

in Charity4 years ago

Hello friends of charity, Hello Hivers,

There is a small group of Hivers, that want to make donation a little bit better. This is the "Charity on hive" community.
As you may know, this is our vision:

We want to establish an effective and perpetuating donation system on Hive

Today we had a meeting with a lot of good ideas how to get progress.
Members of the meeting: @chocolatescorpi, @basilmarples, @yohan2on and me.


And here are our ideas:

  • We should differ between charity moderation discussions (What are the next steps, what is a good tool,...) and charity projects. Donated money should only go to the charity projects.
  • We could write posts, and the received Hive from it could be forwarded to a charity account
  • This charity account, which collects the donated money and is used to spread it to the recipients, has to be defined. One idea is, to create a new account and a bot, that buys chary and burns it.
  • We need a developer, that could create this bot. (@felixxx Wenn das etwas für dich ist, melde dich bitte bei mir ;-))

The dapp

Image made by @basilmarples

Our vision is to create an easy to use dapp, where people can donate in a most simple way. I have made a first proposal.
But we are at the very first steps. So we focus on what we already have: a community and chary.

The Next Steps

In the community we try to find more people that can help us with some ideas. @chocolotescorpi is going to moderate the community on Hive and twitter.
We can use some polls to find out, for what categories people want to donate.
Then we can concentrate our voting power to posts on hive (using hashtag #chary) within the most wanted categories, so that they get the most Chary coins. Maybe we can adjust/create a positive list with categories.
@chocolatescorpi wants to write once a week a charity newsletter, where some filtered ideas are listed.
@achimmertens (yeah, that's me) is going to consolidate these ideas in the miro board and tries to bring them into a good order. The output should be a roadmad or maby a kanban board with a list what should be done next and by whom.
@basilmarples is going to create some designs to make our vision and ideas more clear.
@chocolatescorpi, @basilmarples, @yohan2on and me are writing posts about our meeting and what we understood from it. We stay in contact and are going to have another live meetings in a few weeks.

Regards, Achim Mertens


Thank you very much for your work!!

Yes, my forte, PR, marketing and promotions! I'm in!

So glad you do the Miro board after what happened last time when somehow I accidentally deleted it all!😳 😱 🤣 🙄

Great meeting @Achimmertens, @Yohan2on2 and @BasilMarples!

Forging ahead to use the unlimited potential of the Hive to create a better world for all.
