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RE: Results of Week 18 - The Weekly Hive Charity Giveaway

in Charity3 years ago

Well, I do hope you are right, but at the moment and certainly in the next months she means more work for me because I have to tell what to do and I have to look if she does it right...
... and even then she will not be a gift.

Cheers and !BEER


Right, I am back and had to do my post first Hannes,

So yeah maybe a couple of months double duty to train her and even a year maybe, but look on the bright side as you certainly do need a helper and onve she is fully trained, you will only need to step in here and there.

Look at this guy still having to help himself and he had 2 helpers that he was training😜

I think that the duck helpers asked the goat to teach them how to make a nest ? 🤣

Cheers and thanks!

Good evening Zac,

time will tell, but it will be years, not months 😭

I'd prefer to have two ducks - if they don't do their work I can sell them to a Chinese Restaurant 🤣

Have a nice evening my friend 😊

Cheers and !BEER

Good afternoon Hannes,

So what? When it's done it's done and she will say that she did it all by herself 🤣

My secret is that I like Chinese Pekin duck as it is very tasty.

May you guys also have a nice evening my friend.

Cheers and thanks!

Hi Zac,

ask me in a month or so and I will tell you how it's going 🤔

Yep, that's exactly what I meant by selling to a Chinese Restaurant, because I'd spend the money I get to eat the ducks there 🤣

You have a nice evening too ☺️

Cheers and !BEER

I will be sure to ask you every coming month how things are going Hannes 🙏

A wise rotating business decision there my friend, just be sure that they serve you duck and not some old cheap chicken camouflaged as a duck 🤣

Marian says sis, you guys are talking about eating those cute little things 🤣

Have a nice day boet.

Cheers and thanks!

I think here they take fat rats instead of chicken, because nobody knows how rats taste - not bad 😂

Of course I could never eat these fluffy yellow baby ducks 😇

Cheers and !BEER

Ah! So you are the rat eater that visits the Chinese restaurant for Penking Rodent 🤣

Hahaha, clever boy, as I am sure that you entered the "fluffy yellow ducks" issue in here to show Marian how kind you are in case I read this to her 🤣

Don't worry, as she knows that you are a kind man 😜

Cheers and thanks!

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