The Treehopper

Today I'm back with some macro shots of a beautiful insect called treehopper. Centrotus cornutus is its scientific name. Its size was about 5mm. I discovered it in a garden sitting on a dry branch of tree.
When i saw it i decided to photograph it. There were two or three of them there. I approached it carefully and tried to take some macro shots.

When i got close to it one of them flew away. However I got the chance to photograph another one. I captured it from different angles so you can see its beauty very well. I photographed it with my mobile's macro lens. I personally like this kind of treehopper because of its beautiful horns. I photographed it before some times and i was quite familiar to this insect.

After clicking it i did some editing to its pictures with the help of a software to make them more attractive...


Yay! 🤗
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