Instructions to get Proton $XSAND on (Deposit SAND to hive @xpr with memo "XSAND yourprotonaccount" (No Quotes) - Withdraw to proton @sandiegocoin with memo "SAND yourhiveaccount" (no quotes)

in San Diego Coin SAND2 years ago (edited)



Deposit EOS/Telos $SAND to @sandiegocoin on eos/telos and use memo "XSAND yourprotonaccount"

Withdraw XSAND to eos/telos by sending XSAND to sandiegocoin proton account with memos "EOSSAND youreosaccount"
or "TELOSSAND yourtelosaccount"

Deposit SAND from hive to hive account @xpr (or @sandiegocoin) and use memo "XSAND yourprotonaccount" replacing yourprotonaccount with your actual proton wallet account name!!!

Make a free proton account very easily here download teh WEBAUTH PLAYSTORE APP to make things much easier!

Trade XSAND for XPR on

Withdraw from XSAND purchased on @alcorexchange by sending XSAND to proton account sandiegocoin and use memo "SAND yourhiveaccount" with your actual hive account name replacing yourhiveaccount

Now you MUST POST THE TRANSACTION ID LINK for hive eos or telos, in the or channel for XSAND PROTON CONVERSIONS TXIDS

TO QUALIFY you MUST HAVE at least 1 HIVE SANDPOWER staked, 1 EOS SAND 1 Telos SAND and 1 HIGH QUALITY non spam non short post , a post that is actually upvotes by hive users with at least 1 upvote from someoen with at least 100 HP or enough smaller users to equal 100 HP! This ensures no unworthy users qualify! The post must be on @sandiegocoin hive or search communities for SAND Or if you are ONLY on telos you can amke the post as 10 TLOS proposal poll on the san diego or telos dao on or if on eos or telos use but, its best to just use hive and you need a hive wallet to qualify as a serious local @sandiegocoin member!

Unless you are a long term user/investor/or serious trader and a local San Diego Resident or are from heer or have spent time and are a tourist interested in investing in San Diego's future, a 10,000 a month limit to deposit conversion to XSAND is imposed on all hive eos or telos sand conversions to proton XSAND unless you have a worthy special request, or untill we have more liquidity, as this is for actual San Diego Users and we will even havce OPTIONAL KYX for proton XSAND members using so anyone who KYCs their proton wallet and proves they are in San Diego, CA will get a BONUS of upvotes worth 100sof sand a post, or a bonus of 1000 SAND for the first group of 10 to 50 people limits apply

WHY is this NECISARY? Because SAND is not for random people on the internet looking to make money arbitraging the token. Its a serious project for locals and you must make posts on hive or about San DIego if you wish to participate and arent from or live in San Diego, California or close enough to it in LA or southern californa or even norcal.

First conversion of 100 hive SAND to proton XSAND using discord manual gateway for Locals OR serious investors/users Only





They have a nice token.proton account contract on with a nice action to updat ea tokens perofile, i dunno why eos telos and wax dont also have this i know telos has profiles for users dunno if it also works for tokens yet? @telosnetwork justin?


XSAND on @alcorexchange trading against @xpr proton $XPR



sandiegocoin contract on Proton XPR Blockchain


XSAND on WEBAUTH wallet looks great!


$XSAND on Proton's wallet is also very fast and lets you use XSAND in a wallet that creates accounts for you liek wombat on eos/telos but where you own your key and dont have to pay for the key etc! Make sure to download the Playstore version to avoid confusion with protonw allet the old obsolete one, just amke sure its WEBAUTH not the old "Proton Wallet"
