My Cleaning Activity For Tuesday, the 23rd of April, 2024.

in CLEAN PLANET24 days ago (edited)

Good day, fellow divers, welcome to my blog. Today I went to the next community to carry out my cleaning activity for the day. I took notice of the different measures the people in the community are using to prevent people from dumping refuse in their jurisdiction. I saw that these measures seem to be working in this vicinity. There was no refuse in vacant spaces, farmlands, gardens, lawns etc.

The two measures used were:
The use of public notices at strategic places within the community.
A public notice on farmland under the threat of indiscriminate refuse disposal with a warning to discourage further abuse of the space. Translation: dump refuse here and run mad.

The method of tying a red ribbon or an empty plastic bottle with watering it, places where indiscriminate refuse disposal is prohibited.

Many people in Africa fear when they see these things. They believe that the curses written on the signposts are very dangerous, so they try as much as possible not to dump refuse in such places. The empty bottles also are believed to possess the ability to make offenders suffer for their disobedience.

These pictures show how I carried out my cleaning for the day.












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