My Cleaning Activity for Today 16th May, 2024.

in CLEAN PLANET16 days ago

Hello, @cleanplanet and everyone who has been opportune to view my post. I'm happy to share my cleaning activity with everyone.
It's another great day for me and do you know what? I extraordinarily did my cleaning activity again. Every blessed day is always a day filled with challenges. We must face these challenges with happiness and commitment, so them success is inevitable. Every man who wakes up without a plan for the day is more like a tree thinking of growing without roots. Knowing that everything works with a good plan backing it up, I planned my schedule for today before I left for lectures this morning. Knowing I wouldn't meet up with early morning cleaning activity, I decided to shift to this evening. So immediately after I returned from school, I had to leave the house though it was almost getting dark, I went out to the transformer region and did my cleaning activity.

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This is the link to my video showing the cleaning activity for today. I did this video first when the environment was still a bit bright enough for the camera to record the activity. After my video-recorded cleaning activity, I went to the house and had my bath before leaving for the last round of the picking exercise. I engaged in picking up waste such as wraps and sachet of eatables and water. I picked these wastes and packed them into my picking bag. When the bag was filled, I headed straight to our waste container and disposed of it.
These are pictures showing the second round of the activity. After this round, I freshened up again, ate some apples and took a short nap.

I feel satisfied for three good reasons. One is that I have been able to make my environment a cleaner one. Secondly, I have been able to achieve my set goals despite the stress of school. Lastly, I feel satisfied because I have taught my readers a lesson. The lesson I hope I have taught everyone is that nothing can stop us from doing what we want. All we need is a plan and focus. I will also encourage everyone to engage in activities to make mother earth proud and clean. We are more like a visitor to this planet Earth because aliens on other planets also call us aliens of the planet Earth. So, therefore, I would appeal to and encourage every one of us to always engage in little exercises aimed at keeping our homes and surroundings clean.

This is the size of my cleaning activity for today and I hope it has a great message and impact on viewers.
Before I conclude, I would love to inform everyone that keeping our environment clean has a lot of good sides. Do you know some pests and hostile creeping creatures fancy dirty environments? So by engaging in regular cleaning activities, hostile animals like snakes, millipedes, centipedes, scorpions and others give a gap to our surroundings. Some pests that love dirty environments are rats, cockroaches, bats and lots more.

Thanks for reading to the end and I hope this is enough to have a great impact. Have a great day.
All images are MINE.
I must not fail to acknowledge @cleanplanet, @solarisfuture, @cleanyourcity and @leovoter, your encouragement means a lot to me. I would be the worst human to give credit to your kindness.

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