My Cleaning Activity for Today 18th May, 2024.

in CLEAN PLANET29 days ago

Good day my dear people of the @cleanplanet community. Today is Saturday, a fixed house cleanup day for everyone in my family. We had waited for the hired laborers to come and get the waste in our waste container but they hadn't. My dad called them and the report we had from them was that their vehicle had been damaged and was in the workshop.
So my cleaning activity today began from house to street clean up.

After I packed the waste in the container, I began to do my cleaning activity by walking down my street and picking some trash. I picked different waste ranging from wraps, sachets and plastic bottles. Each of the waste I picked was properly placed in the waste bag which I took to the waste site. My cleaning activity was a quick and perfect one. I was lucky to have a little time to do my activity before leaving for lectures this morning.

I was able to do my activity this morning because I know the need to keep our planet clean. The awareness of the need for a cleaner and secure environment is the only key to a cleaner planet. That's why I would always be grateful for a community such as the @cleanplanet community, which aims at making everyone engage in activities to keep our planet clean and nurture the awareness in everyone.

Since I joined the cleanplanet community, I have developed this habit of not walking past any trash as long as there's a basket or container in which the trash could be disposed of.
This is how I carried out my cleaning activity. Thanks @cleanplanet, @solarisfuture, @cleanyourcity for your unending support and encouragement. You have been a great boost to my activity. Your encouragement has a lot to do and I must not fail to acknowledge it.
A big thanks to everyone who has found time to visit my post.