My Clean Planetlanet Activity For today 21/05/2024

in CLEAN PLANET26 days ago

Good day everyone, I hope everyone is doing good, all thanks to the almighty God for his love towards man kind.

A shocking and unbelievable things happen in our school today, this is what happen, the head of the school just picked hatred towords one of the staff that she is too stubborn so because she has the authority to do and undo she is now planning to suck the lady without calling on her attention first to see if she will change or not.

You know as usual in anything there most be betrayal around that end up telling her the plain of the head teacher so the staff have to go ahead of her by dropping her resignation before the accomplished there plains of sending her away from the school
why is it that the love God ask us to show toward one another is waxing coal, we no longer practice .

Now, what will she gained when she remove food from her table, how will she feel when this young staff that she wanted to suck from this job is going to be a big person in the next two years, which account will she gives on the judgment day, everyone will give account ooo.

Lesson learn

There is a reason why God take uo to that particular position not to oppress but to do Justice, oh God show us mercy.

Thank you @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity @solarisfuture @resonator