Today Cleaning Activity. 14/06/2024

in CLEAN PLANET4 days ago

Hello friends,

It is another day again to save the planet by keeping it clean and free from harmful substances.

Today, I went for a medical check-up because I was feeling very weak at work. A test was made and the result showed that I had malaria. I just finished taken my drugs.

This malaria didn't just attacked my body out of nowhere, it came as a result of the unclean environment which I found myself. I might be the only one who have also suffered thesame malaria, there would be many of them around me having thesame sickness.

For me I always ensured my home is kept clean, but it seems I suffered this sickness because others around me have neglected their duty of also keeping their own home and environment clean. I became a victim of another man's negligence. This shows that we don't have to always clean our home and relax thinking we will be free from sickness, we should also encourage others to also take care of their homes, so that we do not get affected by their failure to do so.

I want encourage you all to also enlightened people around you why cleaning of the environment important, and also what they will suffer if they don't.

Save the planet, save the environment.

Today I did some cleaning activities.

Below are the pictures:


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