My Cleaning Activity for 01/05/2024

in CLEAN PLANET16 days ago (edited)

On today's episode of why the government should take strict measures against improper waste disposal:

On my way to get some items from a grocery store, I saw and captured the image above - trash being disposed of on a part of farmland. Not only has this become an inconvenience to the farm owner, but it also poses a health risk to people living in the area. This improper waste disposal is a problem that needs to be addressed urgently by both authorities and community members.

The government needs to take strict measures against improper disposal of waste and trash, as this will help minimize trash dumping such as this.

The work should not be left only to the government; individuals, on their part, can help contribute to a clean environment by proper disposal of waste and enlightening others about the benefits of a clean environment. Trash dumping should be discouraged, recycling should be encouraged as well, provision of waste bins and ensuring that trash is properly disposed.

Anyways, I did my part by engaging in my daily cleaning activity and hoping that others do so too. Below are some pictures from my cleaning activity for today.



All hands must be on deck to salvage our environment from destruction.

Certainly, Everyone needs to help save our environment from harm.