My Cleaning Activity for 02/05/2024

in CLEAN PLANETlast month

Hello friends,

Today was quite different from other cleaning days. Yesterday, I mentioned the issue of dumping trash on someone's farm in my area. Today, the farmer came to inspect his farm only to find trash on it. He got angry and reported it to the chief of the community. The chief, along with his security personnel, came around to investigate and identify the culprits. From their investigations, it was discovered that the occupants of a house close to the farm were engaging in such acts. They were fined a huge amount of money and given the task to clear the farm within two days.

I am glad the culprits were found and punished. It's a wicked act to dump trash on someone's property, especially a farmland. Hopefully, this serves as a warning to others who might consider engaging in such acts.

It seemed like people knew the chief was coming around because there wasn't much litter along the street compared to other days. Somehow, I hope it will be like this from now onwards. Anyway, I did pick up the few pieces of litter I could find and disposed of them properly. Below are some pictures of my cleaning activity.
