My Cleaning Diary for 30/04/2024

in CLEAN PLANET21 days ago

Nothing beats the feeling of going to bed knowing you are about to have a good night's rest. Yes, a good night's rest. For the past three months, we have been experiencing weather variability, and not in a good way. The sun has been out doing more than it should, roasting everything and everyone. Sometimes, after shining so brightly during the day, the walls and roof become so heated, making the rooms stuffy and uncomfortable to sleep in at night.

Yesterday was a bit different; it rained heavily towards evening, and I couldn't be happier knowing that I was about to have a peaceful night's rest without having to toss and turn or wake up at midnight to bathe because of excessive sweating.

However, I was still bothered about one thing. Whenever it rains heavily, people in my area see it as an opportunity to dispose, or rather dump, their trash. So I was bothered about how messy and disgusting the streets would be in the morning after the rain. Sure enough, this morning, when I went to engage in my daily cleaning activity, the streets were as I had expected them to be; lots of trash was littered, and the neighbors didn't care about it.

I managed to pick up and dispose of what I could. I honestly think the government should make regulations on trash dumping and punish offenders severely so that others can learn. What do you think?

Below are some pictures from my cleaning activity for today.
