My cleanplanet activity on 28/04/2024

in CLEAN PLANETlast month

Good afternoon everyone, how's today's Sunday afternoon treating you guys, I hope there's a lot of merriment going on around your area but as for me, stress too much and no merriment because I ate beans today but I thank Jehovah God for life.
Today, I'll be treating on the best way to dispose non biodegradeables.
Non biodegradeables are those waste that has no life in them and can never decay when disposed. e.g. nylon, plastic's etc.
The best way of disposing them is by recycling.

Recycling:- this is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and returning them into a new product.
Recycling can benefit our planet, environment in various ways.

Benefits of recycling:
Recycling have so many benefits to our environment which are as follows:-

Recycling reduces waste sent to landfills and incinerators.
It prevents pollution such as plastic and nylon pollution.
It conserves natural resources.
It conserves energy.
It creates job opportunities and equally produce economic benefits.

So whenever we have such trash, let's put it in a municipality bin where municipality guys will take it for recycling.

Below is my picture of evidence of today's cleaning exercise.








May we always properly dispose our plastics and nylons properly to avoid plastic pollution.