My cleaning activity for today.10/5/2024

in CLEAN PLANET24 days ago

Good morning everyone, how was your night hope you slept well. Am here to talk about our environment, the good benefits it's gives if is always kept neat and well managed. There's is always a positive impact attributes our environment gives if is well taken care of and kept clean. A cleanliness is said to be degree through which people keep themselves and their surroundings clean. Cleanliness is also seen as the habits or state of keeping yourself or your environment free from dirty. Our environment needs to be free from all sort of dust, bad smell, dirty other for us to enjoy a cool atmosphere that's is not harmful or toxic. When our planets is clean, it's it promotes an enhanced fresh breath good sense of reasoning and brain relaxment 🧠🧠🧠
🧠🧠🧠 Clean planet reduces mental brain stress and anxiety. When we keep our cities clean, there is always a good sensitive and fresh energy which it releases. a clean cities releases fresh air quality and prevents sickness and respiratory system disease. That's why it's is very necessary and essential for one to keep their environment clean always.







Keep your planets clean, because there is always a positive benefits for it. We benefits richly form clean environment, both in our health, economic, socially, and otherwise.