My cleaning experience for today.17/4/2024

Good Day everyone, hope you all are doing great, I believe you all are also in good health condition. Am here to talk about our environment, our environment consist of living and nonliving which stays together in a surroundings, it may be plant or animals it may also be mountains, valleys, Rock, Hills,humans, all these things mentioned above, consist of what makes us our environment. Our surroundings supposed to be kept clean always. a clean planet promote healthy living, and it's prevents alot of sickness that may leads to shortage in development. a clean city promote freedom form too stress and anxiety, dirty city, leads to high range of germs and bacteria exposure. Which is very harmful to our health and bodies. a neat planets prevents hazardous environment, and its promote self esteem and it's prevents low self-esteem. When our environment is clean, it's great a great chance of having a increase in productivity and increase in our daily income. Because when our environment is clean it's prevents alot of sickness and illness and it's helps us to stay healthy, a healthy person has a great chance of working, and having a lot of resources output. But a sick person is weak, does not have just opportunities!
I encourage you all to try to be keeping your city, planet, and our environment clean because it's helps alot.











Clean your city always. Keep your planets neat.