Fertilization in pastures/ some considerations.

in Agricultural Mindset3 years ago (edited)
Dear readers, according to the Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (2007), fertilization is one of the most effective means available to increase crop yields, so the greater the knowledge about plant nutrition, the better the efficiency of the fertilizer used. Likewise, Fernandez (2015), pointed out that the application of fertilizers can improve the fertility of soils cultivated with pasture, producing a greater amount of green matter and therefore an increase in the animal load, a situation that translates into an increase in profits for producers per unit area.

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One of the most important aspects of livestock development is the production of forage biomass to preserve animal production and increase meat and milk yields. However, there is often a low nutritional quality of pastures, which generates the need to use new forage varieties or fertilization practices to correct the present deficiencies.

Likewise, regarding pasture fertilization, Borges, Barrios and Escalona (2012), indicated that those who fertilize pastures apply inorganic sources since their effect is immediate, which guarantees their use and conversion by the plant, besides these are applied easily and in smaller quantities than manure, In spite of this, in certain areas of southern Lake Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela, the importance of fertilization in pastures has been minimized in livestock production systems, either because they are not considered relevant for the crop, or because of the progressive increase in the price and scarcity of chemical products, which affects the low production of forage, since the fertilization work required by the crop is not fully complied with.

Based on these premises, it is necessary to emphasize that one of the symptoms of forage surfaces in some agroecosystems of the Municipality of Colón, Zulia State, is the low yield and quality of pastures, among the possible causes is the inadequate management of fertilization practices that could be related to the non-fertilization of pastures due to the increase in costs and the excessive or deficient use of inorganic fertilizers, which can result in low yields in the production of milk and bovine meat.

Image property of @amestyj

Therefore, it is considered important to establish fertilization alternatives in pastures that are considerably more economical and that contribute to maintain the balance in the pasture ecosystem. For this purpose, an organo-mineral fertilization can be established that provides adequate nitrogen together with a liquid organic fertilizer made by reusing raw material that is generally discarded, such as bovine manure, thus reducing mineral fertilization costs and obtaining better pasture yields and quality.

Currently, there are several organic fertilization alternatives that allow correcting nutritional problems in ecosystems destined to pasture production. This type of fertilization allows applying the necessary nutrients to the soil-plant systems so that these forage species can absorb sufficient quantities of essential nutrients and thus cover their requirements in each phenological stage.

Therefore, fertilization practices should be implemented to make efficient use of resources in livestock production systems to mitigate problems related to forage production. In this sense, from the technical point of view, chemical and organic fertilization practices and their combined use should be studied in depth in order to achieve a better use of the resources available in the livestock production units.

Final considerations
Dear readers, it is necessary to evaluate fertilization strategies with endogenous resources of the production units as an alternative to raise the productive levels of the farm by fertilizing pastures with organic elements and gradually reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers such as urea, which can be very costly and bring some imbalances to agroecosystems.

Bibliographic references
  • Avilan, F. and Machado, E. (2015). Influence of organic and chemical fertilization on the agroproductive characteristics of star grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis).Unpublished degree work. UNESUR, Zulia.

  • Borges, J.; Barrios, M. and Escalona, O. (2012). Effect of organic and inorganic fertilization on agroproductive variables and chemical composition of star grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis). Revista zootecnia Tropical, 30(1), 17-25.

  • Comerma, J.; Casanova, E. and Sevilla, V. (n.d.). Experiences and perspectives of fertilizer use in pastures in Venezuela. Unpublished graduate work. UCV, Maracay.

  • Lesur, L. (2006). Manual de fertilización y productividad del suelo agrícola. Distrito Federal México: trillas.

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This blog once again puts the finger on how it is important to take care of the entire chain, that includes both the animals themselves and their food. Thanks for sharing this with us!

Have a nice end of week-end!

Greetings my dear friend @lemouth, it is a pleasure to greet you again, I am glad that my blog is a means to socialize some aspects related to livestock and be clear that they should be managed as a system where all components have an important role to maintain the balance of the natural ecosystem.

See you later brother, have a great start of the week, thanks for your visit.

 3 years ago  

Absolutely, he really nailed it on the head. I really enjoyed the article write up. @lemouth. Good to see more detailed article from you @amestyj

Fertilization is an important step for sure to mantain any vegetable! Good job in your pastures!

Hi @gwajnberg, your comment is very accurate, all crops require great care, including fertilization to provide the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of plants.

I am very grateful for your visit and the support you give to my blog, have a great week.

Buenos días. Con la tendencia existente en Venezuela de escasez de fertilizantes de origen petroquímico, se hace muy conveniente y viable el uso sustitutivo de agroquímicos por productos derivados del estiercol a través de composteros, para fertilizar los pastizales y muchos otros cultivos.
Los altos costos de los agroquímicos que circulan en el país constituyen otra motivación para aplicar abonos orgánicos de origen ecológico.
Sería conveniente establecer el margen de parásitos que puede invadir los terrenos y órganos vegetales, provenientes de las heces fecales usadas como base de los abonos y la posibilidad de que se desarrollen en el cuerpo del ganado. Saludos. aliriera

Saludos estimado amigo @aliriera, sin duda alguna buscar alternativas de fertilización se hace indispensable en nuestro país Venezuela, sabemos que el uso excesivo de ciertas sustancias sea de origen químico natural o sintético puede crear un desequilibrio en suelo.

En cuanto al uso de estiércol, en nuestro caso hemos tenido experiencia utilizando el estiércol bovino para la fertilización de los pastizales obteniendo excelente resultados en cuanto al rendimiento de biomasa verde y seca, por su puesto aplicamos productos que hayan pasado por un proceso de compostaje con la intención de que las altas temperaturas inhiban significativamente los agentes patógenos que se encuentren presente, ya que, con el compostaje llega un momento que la actividad de los microorganismos descomponedores hace que la temperatura se incremente has los 60°C algunas veces.

Aunado a ello, se debe considerar la relación carbono/nitrógeno (C: N) para exista un equilibrio, esto ayuda a utilizar equitativamente los materiales a utilizar, por ejemplo, cantidad de estiércol, cantidad de hojas de leguminosas, cantidad de cenizas, cantidad de melaza entro otros elementos que se desee aplicar. Si el productor desea aplicar solamente estiércol, debe dejarlo almacenado para su descomposición por lo menos unos 3 meses, ya que, estaría agregando materia orgánica con alto grado de descomposición.

También es importante considerar, que la aplicación de abonos que tengan como base el estiércol, se debe aplicar cuando el animal sale del potrero, así pasaran varios días mientras ellos estén en rotación para que desaparezca el olor del estiércol, porque los bovinos no consumen pastos en las áreas que presenten estiércol.

La acotación que realizas es importante, generalmente cuando realizamos un producto a base de estiércol tratamos de realizar un análisis microbiológico para saber qué tipo de microorganismos se encuentran presentes, el bovino consume pastos, lo microrganismos presentes en el rumen del animal tienen una función completamente descomponedora sobre todo de la fibra del pasto, cuando el animal defeca existen algunos organismos funcionales como ciertos escarabajos conocidos coloquialmente como escarabajos estercoleros que descomponen el estiércol, pero algunos estudios indican que si se utiliza ivermectina para la desparasitación del bovino, los escarabajos no llegan a descomponer la bosta de vaca, disminuyendo un poco la biota decomponedora.

Sin duda alguna, se deben estudiar todos los componentes que integran a un sistema agropecuario para manejarlo eficientemente y saber que manejos darle, al animal, al suelo y al pasto, eso a mediano plazo generara buenos dividendos.

Gracias por tu valioso comentario, que tengas una excelente semana.


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There is no dispute about that. Not in even in this era of environmental issues.

Hi @adexbafo, you are absolutely right, using endogenous resources will always be an excellent alternative to improve production, especially in these times of so much environmental disorder.

See you later, thanks for your comment and have a great week.

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Fertilization is very crucial and vital. Introducing the appropriate fertilizers would help improve the growth and productivity of plants.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece with us.

Hi @sholex94, you are absolutely right fertilization is fundamental for crops, we just have to know how to choose which one is the right one and above all that it generates an imbalance in the components of the system.

See you later, thank you for your valuable comment.