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RE: Mixed Cropping System Farming Advisable For Related Crop Species ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฑโ˜˜๏ธ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฑ || Different Crops Fixed Nature Nutrients Into The Soil.

in Agricultural Mindset โ€ข 2 months ago

Nice one Sir. I think another importance of mixed cropping is for pest control. Some of the the pests of one crop can be a predator of another crop. So when they are planted together, the pests rather fight each other for space rather than affect the crops.
As you have said, the plants a farmer needs to plant in the same farm needs to match, that's very important because I remember when we planted cocoyam and water leaf together, the water leaf didn't yield well because the cocoyam served as a cover crop, making sunlight not to perntrate to the water leaf plants thereby hindering photosynthesis.
Thanks for the insight, Sir.
Good morning ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

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ย 2 months agoย ย 

The more you have a cover crop like Cocoa, Palm tree, cashew, Guava, pawpaw and more. You need to separate your other crops some few meters away from them or else. It will overshadow your crops and leave it with nothing to produce.