How to Successfully Transplant a Banana Sucker to Its Permanent Site

Hello everyone,
For two days now it has been raining heavily in my area and I thought it would be nice for me to start transplanting my banana suckers, separating them from the parents to their permanent site.Transplanting a banana sucker is a crucial step in banana cultivation, you have to be very careful when separating the sucker from the mother plant ensuring that your plant.

Here’s a step-by-step on how I transplanted my banana sucker successfully.

Materials used

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Banana sucker
Your Shovel
A mix of compost or organic matter
Mulch if necessary
Watering can

The first thing I did was to look for banana suckers for transplanting, I made sure they were just young ones coming up so that they can grow well.

The next thing was for me to go prepare the permanent site, it was a rainy day. I didn't mind. I went in, cleared the spot and I made sure the soil was good. After that I dug the hole which was about twice the size of the sucker root so that they can have enough space to spread out. When I was done digging I had to apply animal waste, I usually prefer animal waste to fertilizer, adding them will give an improvement to the soil.



Finishing with the animal waste applications I had to go for the banana sucker. For me not to make a mistake , I carefully dug around the base of the sucker. I continued till it was wide and deep to get its pool out. I had to gently lift the suckers from the group to planting areas. I then Placed the Sucker in the hole, I Positioned the sucker in the center of the hole, I ensured that it was the same depth as it was in its original location, then I backfill the holes with the soil, gentle pressing if down to remove air pockets in the soil. Lastly was for me to water it but since it was a rainy day there was no need for that. So guys that was how I successfully transplanted my banana suckers to its permanent site. You can also use this same method if you want to plant a banana. Thanks




Banana management farming is always interesting, going by the buy want and need, even in industrialised production, banana has become a major eatable fruit and sub production material. I am so happy to know that a young people like you still take Agriculture seriously, more expecially banana farming.

Thanks s much dear for stopping by I'm glad you learnt from it

You're welcome

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 29 days ago  

@tipu curate

 29 days ago  

That a great experience you shared. Knowledge learned. Thanks for letting us know how that the banana must be planted in the center of the already dug hole. Knowing the tools to use as well.

Thanks sir for stopping by it's was my pleasure sharing