Having an Agro mindset that will make a difference

Thinking outside the stereotype

Not untill Poultry farmers, start thing outside the box, getting it right, might continue to elude us. Poultry farming is highly becoming dynamic in changing times, farmers should not be caught off guards, fallen short in following the trends.

The use of multi-functional enzymes direct-fed microbial modified production efficiency, factor litter quality foot pad lesions Clostridium perfringens

High FE and production efficiency is the key for successful poultry farming. Feed costs are by far the highest costs in animal production, contributing from 60 to 70% to the present of production cost. The main ingredients’ prices such as corn and soybean meal have tripled over the last 10 yr. This has led to a change in feed formulation towards increased usage of alternative feed ingredients. As a consequence, diets may contain higher level of antinutritional factors including nonstarch polysaccharides, and have lower nutrient digestibility and feed efficiency Consequently, there is an increased usage of feed enzymes in animal feed to augment.

Multifunctional feed enzymes:

These feed enzymes don't just happened out of coincidence to have one common prefixes
all ending with (ase) its not just a coincidence.

Think out side the box🤣


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