
I was confused whether you were in Paraguay or not? Or are you in Brasil?

Did you know I basically learnt my Portuguese via Spanish? and by living in Portugal and being a language 'freak' ;^)

In Brasil now hehe, yeah little by little I'm catching more words, just give me a couple of months ;) I don't have the advantage of being a language freak though :( what a superpower

I don't have the advantage of being a language freak though :( what a superpower

I guess it is a superpower. That's why I plan to finally start working on a book making use of this skill. Let's see how that goes.

So you actually plan to spend a couple of months out there?

Perhaps even years....

Ah wow. So your cabin in the woods will (be re)turn(ed) to nature?

Hopefully someone with a similar mind as me will arrive there to live, if not, hopefully someone who needs it. My mother said she might invest some money on it and rent it, so many things can happen :)