Mistakes most farmers make

Good day everyone in this community, good day lovers of agriculture, how is everyone doing? Hope we all are doing great. This is my first time post here, hope am welcome.
Today i want to share with you the mistakes most farmers make:

1.Poor Soil Management
Any Successful farmer will testify to the fact good soil guarantees a healthy beginning from planting to harvest.Therefore it is important farmers understand that farming in poor Soil is a recipe to failure & an invite to a number of complications.
Many vegetables especially Cabbage, Capsicum, Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and the exotic types are heavy feeders and will require plenty of manure in order to grow as expected. As such, it is very important to carry out soil tests before planting anything.

  1. Purchasing Poor Quality Seeds
    Another top mistakes New Farmers make in vegetables farming is planting of poor quality seeds. The truth is that poor seeds may not grow well or grow at all, some will become stunted if the manage to germinate.

While others may not produce healthy produce at all. Some produce scanty fruits.
Planting of traditional seeds are gradually fading away & improve seeds are coming up. It is advisable that Farmers generally, should go for hybrid seeds.This is because they have good yield

  1. Non-Spacing of crops when planting.
    It is generally observed that when planting it is necessary to space what ever crops you are plantting for better growth and harvest, non spacing planting affect the growth of the crops negatively which makes it looks unhealthy when growing.

  2. Poor Water Management
    Just as you need water to survive, Plants also need to water in order to grow healhy.If you are inconsistent or are improperly watering your crop in a manner which may lead to crops not receiving enough water, your crop health will decrease or die.

Therefore Irrigation is very important for vegetable farming especially during dry season. Vegetables are more healthy, fresher during dry season if well irrigated. That is why dry season vegetable farming is the best in terms of commercial purposes.

Farmers that engage in farming this Season make 5 times the profit compare to raining season. It should be noted that vegetables farm are to be irrigated during raining season if there is shortage in rainfall or drought.

Keep in mind that vegetables need just the right amount of watering, over watering may lead to fruits Cracking or leafs dying. Make sure you make a path way for water to flow out after heavy rain or irrigation.
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