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RE: Are Farming Methods Coming Full Circle?

Awesome article as more people recognize the threat of not understanding what has been don to grow their foods we are starting to see a resurgence in organic farming. I am doing my part in my community seems like you are doing yours, seems like we have also had the struggle of finding decent employment. One of the main reasons why I got into farming is because I have found a hard time finding a decent paying job.

I'm 28 with an AD yet have never made over $15/ hr I do work for New Age Nerds and we have gotten our 1st funding round completed so that is a plus other than that I have been disillusioned with finding a job.

I was very lucky to get in contact with the CEO of New Age Nerds to get a job. Crypto Currencies and the Blockchain has been one of the biggest changers of my life though giving me the ability to actually purchase my own land 300 acres, give New Age Nerds a testing site for AG Tech and start my career in farming.


That's fantastic that you've managed to purchase land. I hope we see something of your journey with that.

Was it crypto that led you to Hive?

I just noticed you profile pic is the same as Samstonehill's. 😆 Coincidence or do you have a connection?

Its on the way.
my past experience yeah. This place kept my head on straight during the last wild rides.
Idk about that last question

I'm actually confused about that last bit myself. I think it was a Peakd glitch on your cross post of his. It was showing your profile pic, for some reason. It's gone back to his pic now I've clicked through and refreshed. 😵‍💫