
Saludos amigos hoy quiero compartir con ustedes sobre el maiz aquí les mostrare sobre mi cosecha

Greetings friends today I want to share with you about the corn here I will show you about my harvest

Cómo plantar
Primero hay q rastrear la tierra ,eliminar maleza

How to plant First you have to track the land, eliminate weeds

El maiz es una planta la. Cual se debe sembrar en Toda la Primavera,En cuanto tiempo se cosecha, desde 4 a 6 Meses
Se bebe tener una Distancia entre líneas de plantación en 70 cm ,El maiz hunde bastante sus raíces por lo cual se necesita buena tierra .El suelo debe ser neutro con un ph de entre 6.5 a 7.

Corn is a plant. Which one should be sown in the whole spring How long is it harvested, from 4 to 6 Months It is necessary to have a distance between planting lines of 70 cm Corn sinks its roots a lot, which is why good soil is needed. The soil must be neutral with a pH of between 6.5 to 7.

Las plantas pueden llegar a 3,5m de altura ,
Necesita alrededor de cuatro meses de tiempo caluroso sin excesivas nubes. Si se inicia con anticipación su cultivo se puede cultivar en climas nubosos.

Plants can reach 3.5 m in height, You need about four months of warm weather without excessive clouds. If you start early, your crop can be grown in cloudy weather.

El maiz necesita mucha agua, sobretodo en un comienzo,
Para comprobar su madurez se recomienda abrir la mazorca y apretar los granos, si están firmes pero aún un poco blandos significa que están listos para ser cosechados. Al momento de cosechar se recomienda tirar las mazorcas hacia abajo, no cortarlas porque el corte puede dañar la planta.

Corn needs a lot of water, especially in the beginning, To check its maturity it is recommended to open the cob and squeeze the grains, if they are firm but still a little soft it means that they are ready to be harvested. When harvesting it is recommended to throw the ears down, do not cut them because the cut can damage the plant.







I took these photos with my phone

model: oneplus 6
Autor : @sheshe12
Region : Central plains of Venezuela


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Greetings I would like to know if I can correct my publication, I would like to improve I accept constructive criticism to be better @hivewatchers

Greetings I would like to know if I can correct my publication, I would like to improve I accept constructive criticism to be better @hivewatchers