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RE: Tell me more oh experts about how the scientific evidence of generations has been wrong: "FDA: 'Vaccine hesitant' can't use antibody test to prove immunity"

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

I did actually address bacteriophage in my virus article yes. Yes they do exist and what they have done is take what they know about bacteriophage and copy/pasted it onto their virus hypothesis. Quite slick how they did that. I thought it was clear in my article so yeh you must not have read it. The one called Going Viral.
Oh and don't worry about 'spamming' my articles, I don't deem questions as spam. It's POB to ask questions.

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I'll check it out. I don't think I finished that one as work needed me for something when I was reading one of yours. That was probably the one. I'll go check it out again.

I also found myself thinking they could definitely try to label some bacteria as virus to support their narrative. I've definitely seen them use techniques like this in other places.