Goal Tracking: Month 4!

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

October Already!

This is another curveball month for goal tracking. Things keep on changing and I am ok with it. The neat thing is, that I really slammed my goals out of the park... sort of. The catch is that not everything is "power" at the moment.

I am a believer in the bull market not being over. I am also a believer in the "mega bubble" as @edicted calls it. The year after the bitcoin halving leads to crazy gains in the crypto market followed by the dreaded year long bear market that kills people's (investors) zest for crypto. For me, this is not about getting rich quick (but I am counting on that too), but about changing the way things are done on this rock hurling through space to a more decentralized way.

That being said, I read a very good article by @empoderat that you can read here. I highly suggest that you take a look at that one and at least ponder the possibilities.

The TLDR version of all of this is quite simple. I held St**m all the way down from $8 to $0.20 during the crypto winter. I do not plan to do that again. So... that being said, my goals for Hive Power and Leo Power etc have transitioned to Hive Holdings and LEO holdings... as I am in the process of unstaking Hive and contemplating what to do with my LEO and POB etc.

With all of that in mind, let's look at how I did.


6300 was the goal for October 1.

Where did I get: 7250 (ish)
Goal for November 1: 8500


I have some of my Hive pooled on Tribaldex and I don't want to get into too much detail here... but, I blew this one out of the water. This is great. I really want my Hive holdings to be growing substantially in the coming month as I see Hive's growth in the coming months to be substantial. If you look at the last "mega-bubble" a far more centralized, and less developed Hive made it up to $8.

If Hive does that again, or more... I would like to be in on those gains. My plan is to ride the market up with Hive, switching to HBD as we go up, and then switch back to Hive as we go down. Elementary, I know... but the only way that I am making it to Orca status (50,000 ish) in 2 years (which is the long term goal) is to sell high and buy low. This is also why I am powering down some Hive at the moment. I need the liquid Hive to ensure I don't miss the boat as I did last time. St**m was $2, next week is was $5, then it was $8... by the time any powerdown was complete... we were all expecting a rally back up to $3.

For the record, 8000 Hive at $8 is $64,000. $64,000 would buy 128,000 tokens at $0.50. I won't get lucky enough to sell the top and buy the bottom, but you can see where I am going with this anyways.


October 1 Goal: 3400
Where I got to: 3700 (ish- it's pooled on CUB, it fluctuates)
Nov 1 goal: 7000
End of year goal: 10,000


LEO is an interesting potato. It is not performing great, but the team is doing the opposite. LEO is on fire! Mobile app, Project Blank, CUB, Poly-CUB, IDO's... buying cheap is a great idea from where I am sitting. The Project Blank airdrop alone is worth holding the LEO... but the mobile app could be a real game changer for LEO as well as the entire Hive ecosystem.

My long term year end goal has been 10,000 LEO as a soft goal and 5,000 as a hell freezes over hard goal. I am on track for that and look like I can swing for the fences on this one coming down the stretch. 10,000 LEO is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, but I see this project continuing to grow and make bigger and bigger waves until everyone knows LEO FInance.

I am not sure if I am going to hold on and maximize my airdrop and just let the LEO power ride through the highs and into the lows or if I am going to try to Lion-i-fy my LEO holdings like I plan to do with my Hive. We shall see. 10,000 LEO before year end is the only plan I got regarding LEO for now.

POB power

October 1 goal: 9100
Where I got: 9200
Nov 1 goal: 10,000


POB is another long term holder for me. I see no point in selling this token so low when the tokenomics and community are gold. I know that @onealfa proclaimed somewhere along the way that he has a lot of patience and plans on accumulating POB for the next 4 years before he thinks of selling any (aside from market maker games of course). I am in the same boat. In fact, if the price keeps going down I could see myself making a whale jump. I know I am technically a POB whale, but I am by no means one of the big fish in the pond.

My year end goal is to have 11,000 POB staked and I plan on blowing that one out of the water as well. More blogging, more buying on the market... I will thank me in 4 years for doing the work now.


October 1 Goal: 12,100
Where I got: 13970 staked plus almost 3500 in the market
End of year goal: 15,000 - updated to 25,000

I love Dunk. The concept is really simple but shows us the future of the blogging portion of Hive. Think about a newspaper where the readers are the writers and the professionals end up sticking out and getting paid to write. I see it and I want to help pick the professionals in the future.

Dunk's time has not came yet, but I do see it coming, so this one is a long term hold for me through this upswing. In a few years with the proper nurturing, in which @rob23 is doing exceptionally well at I might say, Dunk social will be the premier decentralized basketball hang-out / news source. I can see things moving into NFT collectables etc... lots of potential.

I also decided to work the Dunk market a bit. That is why I have a good amount of liquid Dunk. I am trying to turn my Dunk into more Dunk!



I gave up on my Bee goals last month. I had too many coals in the fire and the Bee one just wasn't burning hot enough. I have since unstaked my BEE and put it into some pools on Tribaldex where I am earning a humble amount of BEE daily. I won't make it to the 2750 BEE I wanted to get too, unless some serious magic happens (which it really could between now and then), but I am happy knowing that I am farming BEE and that it will grow (at this rate, likely by 50 or so per month without me needing to prioritize purchasing it. If I get some big wins on the crypto track in the coming days I might buy some BEE, but for the time being, this is a back-pocket goal that I cannot commit to. I am committed to growing my BEE stake and that is as good as I can do for the time being.


Well, what can I say. The game keeps bringing me back just when I think it is time to get out. I don't know what my strategy is. There is a lot to ponder. I own land, my land is collecting SPS that will come to me when the pool delivers the goods. I have SPS. I will be getting vouchers. How many Chaos Legion packs should I buy? Should I just sell everything I own? I just don't quite know the strategy. We definitely mooned. There is way more mooning potential yet. Some cards I bought and sold at over 300x gains.

I achieved my goals with this game. I need to think more about what my goals are moving forward.


What about CUB? Ya. I am still a really big CUB bull. I have been going long on this one. CUB is a big part of my bear market strategy. I will be holding some of my assets on BSC, staked and earning throughout the bear market. There will be a governance pool for CUB which I will want to be in on... there will also be a Polygon platform which I will want to be in on. The IDO's should be pretty crazy in the coming days. With the market moving up again, people will start to want to diversify and attempt to make some 10x gains. Many people have forgot about CUB, or have grown resentful of it... CUB's day is coming... and I am going to be a very happy whale when it does.



In @empoderat's awesome article that I linked up there somewhere, the blow off top signals the sell off (of course we are supposed to sell all the way up in small increments too). In his strategy, which I am a big fan of, 40% of the bag ends up in fiat. Get your money right. Feel safe and secure. Be able to pay rent/mortgage/bills. Travel... My goal is to be out of debt and have enough to look into upgrading ou living situation.

If you are curious, 30% should be in stable coins and the other 30% holds firm in crypto just in case more magic happens. A balanced portfolio.

That's it

That is it for this month's goal tracking. I hope you enjoyed and I hope I have more good news for you in November!

Posted via proofofbrain.io


40% of what in fiat? Fiat is the worst think these days... Every day is burned out by inflation, and makes nothing for you (since years, when the socialists decided to flood the worlds with free money for banks). Capital these days has no value.

40% of my crypto bag should turn into fiat at the peak of the bull cycle in order to fix my finances. Sure, fiat is in crumble. But when I am paying interest on debt it is in my best interest to pay that debt off.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hope to read more of your #Dunk post anytime soon

Ya. I have not had much time to write lately... hoping to make more in the coming month. It is almost time to look at another legend!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

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