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RE: Buying Products and Sharing Experiences with Others

We all know, curators prefer things that are original even though they are not perfect.

And usually the perfect one, I know that it's not original. lol

I'm always happy to support anyone here. I know what it was like to grow up without support back then on Steem. So I'm really happy to do what I can.

Well, once you commit a violation and you get caught, people won't trust you again forever, maybe :)


Terima kasih😀

Sama sama kawan. You have to traktir me when I go to Malaysia with my partner :P

Not a problem. You've been my half mentor for the earlier part of my blogging life in STEEM. Couldn't repay back the kind of help you have rendered to me. Who knows, one day we start a new initiative that tastehive.... wait that sounded so wrong. LOL

After C19 settled, please do visit Kuala Lumpur. Inshallah we all can go for nice meals and create content together.