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in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I can imagine how that was. I'm mostly done with self help, too. My reason being, that most self help books are useless. You basically only need to read the title and the rest ist fluff.

His fiction is definitely worth a read. Since I read on my kindle, I never remember book titles. Especially in fiction.
I read one of his books about a roman soldiers life. Long time ago. I only remember that it felt pretty gritty and honest.

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I agree, you can usually type a title into google and find out more.

I'll keep him in mind for sure, I'm just getting back into reading regularly so it's nice to have someone recommended.

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In that case I would recommend something more exciting.
If you're into fantasy Black Prism by Brent Weeks and if you're into SciFi Red Rising by Pierce Brown.

Red Rising is like crack for the reader. I loved it and couldn't stop reading. It makes you feel every emotion, you can imagine. Mostly anger, though. :)

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