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RE: LITMUS TEST: "Not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character" - Martin Luther King, Jr.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I don't have a solution and there is clearly still racism in the world. It would be just as weird denying that.

But I'm horrified at the way it is dealt with in the US. I can't imagine having to put my RACE on paper in every second questionaire.

Identity politics in general is a huge problem. There are left people who are calling for segregation under the flag of unity. Fighting "cultural appropiation", without realizing they are not allowing cultures and races to mix, to meet and communicate, to grow acustomed to each other...

But there is also the outrage journalism on the right, that will pick up what some random left leaning person on twitter said and turn it into a huge story about the horrible left trying to turn frogs gay again! The fearmongering on every news story. In my country the same people who were the first to rang the alarm bells, when covid came along, because "the government is hiding it from us! People are dying on the streets in China!!", are the people who are now fighting every government measure possible.

You could say, there is little proof of brain out there. :)

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I was following the COVID situation from when it was being reported in China and a month (almost two) before the U.S. was reacting to it all. In fact it wasn't even being reported as COVID-19 yet. My family and I took precautions. By the time the government and CDC had started reporting on it we had already had it, and I no longer thought masks were really needed. It has been about fear and control from my perspective. They have even intentionally taken actions to make it worse (especially when Trump was still in office and they wanted to blame him and his administration). It looks really stupid if you think they actually care about the people. If you come to the conclusion it is about fear and control and they don't really care about the people then it transforms from stupid to genius.