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RE: ARCHON Governance and Multi-Signature - The key to POB decentralization and governance

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

well stated....if the person had a track record of earning trust that would have instilled it but now there's a "council" with no community input? YOUR idea of every stake holder having a say is way better than backroom drama where we're supposed to be okay with no multi-sig after someone moved the community funds from the 10% 'tax' to their own account with zero community input. I tried to warn of this as did former admin that wanted their hands clean (including myself) and quit our positions after finding out of the total lack of communication. It doesn't help when the person who has ALL the control over the funds YOU ALL entrusted can't be bothered with simple biz chats I suppose...unless it's in a backroom? Is that it?
Also saying you don't give a fark about biz and just want fun and seem to not care but dip in once a week then leave for everyone else to do your work is plain lame. I back what this post is saying and have NO doubt that once all the fun rules are passed we will see how much everyone is loving the centralization that some of us are not okay with.

The fact some who are on the esteemed but totally not community "elected"  council stayed quiet while a few of us have asked and been dodged for months on BASIC biz questions speaks for itself.

It's about EVERYONE not just what happens in a backroom or funds moved or even asking how much the ad revenue is. If you ask "how much is the ad revenue" as a potential investor and are basically told to FUCK OFF and that even extends to people who did free work then that's not good.

MULTI-SIG, YES, but again who's going to have it and does the community trust them. Again, I find it odd that in all the "drama" many stayed silent so a few could take some slings and arrows. If there isn't multi-sig especially after funds were moved to a personal account then just a bunch of noise then there are quite a few who aren't going to just power down, they are prolly gonna dump. This could have been avoided ages ago but people who have remained silent on basically really bad biz moves, that's on them.

When the leader moves the biz funds all of us gave to his personal acct with no talking to the community except to berate them then run off and say he doesn't want to run a biz and just wants fun and then curses at people who point out stuff like malware then....shrug, where were the rest of the upper people demanding things? Oh that's right, backroom centralization is the name of the game except for what @amr008 is logically proposing. If there is no multi-sig and accountability on who is gonna be in charge then am guessing there's a lot more drama to come or people will make alternatives (and they are).
Archon style of bust....op/ed

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