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RE: Be Original Be True - Let Your Content Stand The Test Of Originality

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I agree with everything you said. Your originality is your experience and the lessons you add to a post, like you said most topics have been talked about in what way or another, so there's no original topic, the only thing original is your experience that's what makes it unique.

Personally speaking I have a problem with researching. My memory retains a lot of what I read word for word especially if I read something just before writing. To avoid sounding like a plagiarist, I avoid read just before I write. I just write down words/ points I want to focus on and give my own examples

I like every word to come from my head, so I know I am the one writing it. I find that if I do research it seems like I'm taking a piece of other people's work.

Being true to oneself is key!

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Absolutely. Be yourself, no one can ever be you.
Get your own style and get the world to notice you
Most importantly get your own voice you have thing to say from your perspective that no one else has.
Thanks for stopping by @blezyn