Money for the “good” and for the “bad”.

in Proof of Brain7 months ago (edited)

Another bloody and long War.


Expectations of a ground offensive in Gaza by Israel They're on the table; and reports say that an operation against the Hamas terrorist group could occur at any time.

Israel has been launching incessant airstrikes against targets ever since the terrorist group attacked Israeli civilians more than a week ago at the same time it continues to launch rockets against Israel and now more than a week after the start of the war Israel is preparing for a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip in order to destroy the Hamas terrorist group.

And there is no other way for Israel to avoid a similar event in the future other than to occupy Gaza, promote the construction of a new “government” and align itself with the established system of the powerful.

There is an important actor behind the scenes China is present in this entire war, China's political, commercial, military and technological support for Iran over the last 40 years allowed Iran to turn Hezbollah and Hamas proxies into weapons capable of fighting a war against Israel, with the attack on Hamas China basically confessed that it is now almost a declared enemy of the state of Israel.

Shortly after the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel it was reported that Iran had played a key role in planning and executing the attacks, this drew attention that just before the attacks the Biden administration released billions of dollars for Iran will use them, now Iran denies any involvement and the Biden administration has also denied Iran's involvement.


But before there were reports that seemed quite credible saying that Iran was involved, we know the Biden administration is a liar and this is all part of their pathetic nuclear deal with Iran and an attempt to “betray” allies in the region.

Remember that General Kasim Soleimani was present in Beirut meeting with Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist groups and they agreed to consolidate all their resources to prepare to launch the third intifada against Israel that was only stopped by the excellent assassination of Kassem Soleimani by the Administration Trump and of course globalism and its plans do not benefit from murders of their allies, they removed Trump, but they already know that story; That was just a temporary solution now the Iranians have a free hand and we see what is happening.

Hamas was so violent and unnecessary in its violence against women, children and the elderly if you were trying to gain sympathy for your people that is not something you would do, unless you were serving the interests of a foreign power that wants you as cannon fodder to destroy Israel as a means to weaken American power in the region.

I think they will do it, a second, much larger front in the north will be a challenge for the Israelis, this is an Iranian game that by the way is backed by China, communist China is the main beneficiary of the war between Israel and Hamas; on the one hand, one more distracted and American military attention and This logistical and aviation deployment moves to the Eastern Mediterranean, thus moving away from the Indo-Pacific. This is consistent with the broad Chinese strategy that aims to keep the main Western powers and in particular the United States and the United Kingdom bogged down in an endless war.