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RE: Adventures in the Metaverse!

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I was a little afraid to give it a go... but i guess i need to get in there and get ta building! hahahha Thanks for an encouraging post... and we could all use a respite from the Never Ending Episode of the Twilight Zone we are living. Keep up the great work and put them meatsticks to work son! hahaha


Hey, that's great! Send me a link to your space
after some building if you'd like to share!

Sure thing. I still have a lot of figuring out to do! hahahah

Sure, play around in there some to get your bearings and if you have any questions, let me know, and I'll help out the best I can.

Thanks! I really appreciate that. I will let you know when i get some play time! =) Take Care =)