#ASKPOB How you would like the new Front-end proofofbrain.io to be

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Today I want to make my first #ASKPOB publication, this type of publication is to ask the POB community. In my opportunity, apart from asking in turn, I will make a suggestion to @proofofbrain for its new front-end. Because this post is important for me and the community because through the comments we will know the needs and requirements of active users and other users who we want to be active and have proofofbrain.io as their default page that the entire community has from here without leaving the front-end.


Before entering my central theme I want to share with you some important steps when designing any product, be it a page, service or product.

1. Research the Market.

Before creating any product we must know the market to whom our product is directed. Where we must carry out a study or analysis of the context, where this will benefit our making a difference.

2. Identify market needs

We will have this step to carry out a survey and know the reality of the user's needs, this can be done through a survey. If you want your product to meet the needs of people, this point should be considered one of the most important, to meet the needs and your product is a success.

3. Identify the Competition

This point must be monitored and closely known to the competition, which is the key to its success, apart from knowing what the customer's complaints are. NOT to COPY it because it is a bad streak to create a product identical to those of others, if not you must closely monitor to know the key to success and improve it, transform it something better, by knowing the complaints of customers you will be able to cover the needs that the product of the competences lacks.

These three points I touch on in my post because even the proofofbrain.io platform has the same version of Hive, a very simple frot-end, they want to change it. To take these steps we must use these three points very closely to create a product that is a success, although I know that creators may have knowledge, if not in this way I want a contribution to the platform to its creators.

My suggestions

- Main Front-end

It should be striking, where the newly created posts are reflected, mostly when we open an interface it directs us to the most popular post trends, but where is the newly created one? Sometimes it is even forgotten. Apart from being the trend posts reflected on the main page, it should be the latest recently published.

Text Editor

This is an important part that the text editor has several tools to help the writer. It is very difficult to record yourself or to be placing code so that your text can be bold, italic, centered, left, until you can place the image and its font. One of the editors that I liked being a fork of steemit is Serey.io this is a Cambodian platform where it focuses on its users that many people own smartphones I seek the comfort of its users here an image of its editor :


If we look at this editor, it has a Word feature, which gives the user a convenience to choose how they want their post to look, without coding. For me this is important because it gives the user comfort, a good presentation of the post.


A notification bell is a very good feature, because that way it will be active when a person comments on you, started following you, mentions you, votes you without the need to go to Peakd or Hive. I would like you to take it into account.

Coin purse

Where you can observe, claim and even delegate your chips not only that of POB, but that of Hive the second layer of Hive without the need to leave the platform.

For today these are my suggestions, for the Front-end. This post will take 100% @ pob-fund to 100% beneficiary. Let's grow together with this platform

#ASKPOB How you would like the new Front-end proofofbrain.io to be

Posted via proofofbrain.io


I really like how you urge people to consider the need first. So often, people think up features for the same of having features, but forget to articulate what problems they are meant to solve (imo, this blockchain is mostly built by engineers finetuning a solution still in search for a problem to solve...)

The first need that I and the people I've helped bring onto Hive recently is t he ability to more easily find and connect with people who share a common interest in the same topics and are thus likely to be a good match. This is useful at any stages of one's user experience, but perhaps especially when someone is new and looking to make new connections and find their first few followers.

Search for people / users

I would therefore like to have a search function dedicated to finding users, not just posts. Peakd allows this somewhat on https://peakd.com/search, but it's not working that well. I would love to be able to select tags or keywords and then get a list of users who frequently write posts and receive upvotes on those topics, or users who frequently curate those topics. Account names could be filtered by tags, sorted by incoming and/or outgoing stake based votes on said tags.

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To Sell a product and be successful, you must know the needs of the people, what the problems are. Because if you are going to make a feature that does not solve problems or needs, it will be like any product that you can get in any market. In the same way, knowing the competitors what their strategies are and the essence of their success transform it something better, not copy but transform ...

Your suggestion is very good ... I really liked it ... Thank you for commenting, voting and supporting ...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

This is a wonderful feature that would be interesting to see on this platform...p

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I promised myself I wouldn't 100% vote comments. Ah well. I ate chocolate this morning too.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Well, I want a Dark Mode for sure, and I know most of the users would like it too.

I would love to be able to search for post! Most frontend don't have such feature.

It would be good to have several languages available for the frontend too. I can help with the french translation if needed. If there is a post asking for help for translation in the future, feel free to ping me!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

A notification bell is a very good feature, because that way it will be active when a person comments on you, started following you, mentions you, votes you without the need to go to Peakd or Hive.

I'm totally agree with this one, it will be easier to us knowing notification through proofofbrain.io platform

Posted via proofofbrain.io

If this characteristic is very important because it helps us quickly to be attentive to what happens
Thanks for stopping by my post, comment and support ...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

If this characteristic is very important because it helps us quickly to be attentive to what happens
Thanks for stopping by my post, comment and support ...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

A notification bell is a very good feature, because that way it will be active when a person comments on you, started following you, mentions you, votes you without the need to go to Peakd or Hive. I would like you to take it into account.

This is my most favourite part of your suggestions,I would love to see the feature,it will really help alot...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I would also like this feature ... I think many would like it ...

Thanks for stopping by, commenting and supporting ..

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I like that about: where are the new posts? Yaw! But it is that many times it seems that the established trend wants and "must" continue to be at the top. Sometimes I have thought that this happens to give a suitable look to the platform to who as a new user appears ... Maybe I'm wrong, maybe not ...
I just suppose. 😅😅 ..

putting that aside; Better and more daring internal search engines to filter content efficiently would also be beneficial. Regarding the editing interface I like it simple, many times in my creative writing process I like the extremely clean interface (what a mania!). The more minimalist, the better ... It happens that all that Markdown stuff, I have learned it by heart ... I insert it as I write. I think after such a long time, it is almost a natural instinct. However, they could rather for new users (keeping them in focus) add a quick drop-down guide, which they can enter and use Markdown with just a few clicks. Maybe not scare them with the multiple commands! 😅 ..
Greetings, thanks for the initiative...

Me gusta eso de: dónde estan las nuevas publicaciones? Vaya! Pero es que muchas veces parece que ya la establecida tendencia, quiere y "debe" seguir estando en la cúspide. A veces he pensado que eso sucede para darle un visto idóneo a la plataforma a quien como nuevo usuario se asoma...
Quizás me equivoque, quizás no... Solo supongo. 😅😅..

dejando eso a un lado; Sería beneficioso también, unos mejores y audaces motores de búsqueda internos donde filtrar el contenido de manera eficiente.
Respecto a la interfaz de edición me gusta simple, muchas veces en mi proceso creativo de redacción me gusta la interfaz sumamente limpia (menuda manía!). Mientras más minimalista, mejor ... Sucede que todo eso de Markdown, lo he aprendido de memoria... lo voy insertando mientras escribo.
Creo que luego de tanto tiempo, es casi un instinto natural.. Sin embargo, pudieran más bien para los nuevos usuarios (teniéndolos en enfoque) agregar una guía desplegable rápida, a la que puedan ingresar y usar el Markdown con pocos clicks. Quizás no asustarles con los múltiples comandos.! 😅..
Saludos, gracias por la iniciativa...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I like that about: where are the new publications?
hahaha I'm glad you like me ..

Thanks for your suggestions, I still do not adapt to the codes .. hahaha

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I would not consider another front end to be of use. There is no feature we are missing, unless live videos there is not much else someone could add.

We all have different opinions ... I'm glad you comment on my post ...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

The front end should open up with the community already selected. This is the Proof of Brain interface after all. There ought to be at least a way to delegate POB from here. Hive dollars are always reported as 0.00 even when you have some. Provide a way for users to flag but to choose a reason why they are flagging. The several reasons are: plans-for-violence, low-effort-post, copy-and-paste from another user. Each can be implemented with a conventional flag and a up-vote for the comment that says "This post has been flagged because of X". If such a reply doesn't exist, create it instead of voting it. Let's not self-vote flags here.

The Interface can then display the number of flags due to one reason or another. A post may be flagged for multiple reasons.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Your suggestions are very welcome ... Thanks for stopping by and supporting my post ...

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Terrific ideas here. My thoughts:

  1. don't worry about the competition, just do your thing #proofofbrain and quality will shine
  2. @celi130 is right...new posts are often washed away in favor of popular posts often by bigger accounts (which we likely will see anyway). This is a tough topic though...why put out a great post that gets lots of respect if a slew of "Wen moon?" posts clutter the page?
  3. I like a split-screen posting interface other frontends have (haven't tried serey though)


Posted via proofofbrain.io

Well done. I'm glad someoneelse is using the askpob tag. :)

I really would love notifications. Currently I always open up hive.blog next to POB, just to make sure, I didn't miss any notifications. And then I have to find the comments/posts on the POB front end, to make sure I don't reply with hive.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

hahahaha It happens to me the same ... IT IS very difficult to be in this way ... I have to have Hive, POB and a translator to respond to the comments ...

Capture from my computer screen

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hi @celi130, you were just shared some LUV thanks to @crrdlx. Having at least 5 LUV in your wallet enables you to give up to 3 LUV per day, for free. See the LUV tokens in your wallet at https://hive-engine.com or learn about LUV at https://peakd.com/@luvshares https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUptF5k64xBvsQ9B6MjZo1dc2JwvXTWjWJAnyMCtWZxqM

thanks you

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I think the UI could use an update but it doesn't need to be anything crazy. The reason being who's going to curate the content to show on the front page? I feel like in order to keep the POB mindset that it should be based on users still and not curation accounts. The UI just needs to be broken up a bit so it doesn't look like every other one that launches (cookie cutter) as it delutes the value.

POB could end up being a huge entry point for those coming on to hive with a well done UI and talking about how POB works. I'm almost thinking no articles on the front page but instead more talking about what POB is and how to sign up.

Fully support the text editor as most coming on to the platform don't understand mark up and we should make it as easy as possible to get started. The more hurdles the less people take action. We call this barrier to entry. More sign up sets etc = less conversion.

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